
Psychic Kids

Created by Wet Ink Games

The RPG of Psychic Kids on the run from danger!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit is LIVE!!! (Featured Add-On reminder)
about 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 12:35:53 PM

Hey all! The BackerKit is LIVE and we've already seen a number of you getting it completed. We want to remind you about the add-on which was mentioned previously but was not part of the original Kickstarter.

There is a featured add-on in the BackerKit which wasn't available during the campaign. We wanted to highlight Sarah's art while also making a cool and useful tool for your table, so we're  making tarot card sized psychic power reference cards. This pack has cards with awesome art on one side, and written details of the related psychic power on the other. There is also a +One System reference card and an X card safety tool which we reference in the book.

We hope you all like that and want to pick it up. It's going to look great on the table.

BackerKit coming soon and Pre-orders open (and something old and new...)
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 08:31:37 AM

BackerKit Smoke Test LIVE

Hey everyone!!! The Smoke Test for the Backer Kit went live last night. This sends the BackerKit invite to 5% of backers as a last step to shake out any bugs with the process before opening it wider. Once we get some responses and triple check, we'll push this live. We hope to have it out by Friday.

We've also opened the pre-order store, so if you know people who were excited about the project but couldn't back at the time, please feel free to share. The link is on the button on the main page., but you can also grab it here:

Edits Complete

Edits to the PDF are complete! Thanks so much for all your eyes to make the book the best i can be. We'll be sending an updated version this weekend, and we'll get it to the printers Monday! 

Never Going Home: The Beginning and The End

Many of you got to know Wet Ink Games because of our game Never Going Home, the RPG of Eldritch Horrors in the Trenches of World War One. We have a new project coming up in May which many of our fans have been asking about, and we hope you all are able to check it out and join us. FOLLOW ALONG HERE!!!

There is always another battlefield to explore in Never Going Home, so prepare yourself for more horror roleplaying from the First World War. This campaign offers two more Campaign Dossiers to bookend the years of the war, as well as another magic sourcebook filled with ways to twist the play experience even further.

Each Campaign Dossier focuses on a specific theater of conflict in the First World War. They contain additional character options for players, new threats for Narrators to use and six linked Missions which provide a sustained adventure specific to the theater. Each one also offers a story told across letters, documents and newspaper articles and new art from Charles Ferguson-Avery.

PDFs and BackerKit
about 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 09:20:23 PM

Digital Files

Hey everyone! We want to thank you all for your patience as we continue down this path. First, we have big news.

THE PDFS HAVE BEEN SENT!!! We also included a free downloadable and form-fillable character sheet and adversary sheet for you.

Print files will be going to the printer in a couple of weeks, so if you see any oddities, please submit them AS A COMMENT ON THIS UPDATE and we'll compile them and make the changes before sending to print. The PDF file will also be updated at that point.


BackerKit is in development and should be sent to you all in a week or so. This will be where you can finalize your pledge, pay for shipping, and get any add-ons you may have missed. 

Speaking of add-ons, there will be a featured add-on in the BackerKit which wasn't available during the campaign. We wanted to highlight Sarah's art while also making a cool and useful tool for your table, so we're going to be making tarot card sized psychic power reference cards. This pack will have cards with awesome art on one side, and written details on the other. There will also be a +One System reference card and an X card safety tool which we reference in the book. 

We hope you all like that and want to pick it up. It's going to look great on the table. 

about 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 10:16:24 PM


Psychic Kids was funded and will become a reality based because 392 of you believed in us and our product. We can't wait for you all to have this in your hands. But before that happens, you'll have it in your inboxes! We are hard at work wrapping up the PDF of Psychic Kids and we plan on having it sent out for you all before the month is out. For those of you who followed our end of campaign wrap-up, Matthias showed off some of the work he's been doing.

If you missed it, you can find the video here:

Special Thanks!

As a special thank you to all of you, even though we didn't reach the $14k stretch goal, we've decided to release it to ALL BACKERS at no cost. Once made available to the public, it will have a price tag, but you all were so great throughout the campaign that we really wanted to give you something extra.

about 1 year ago – Sat, Mar 11, 2023 at 05:08:42 PM

NOW LIVE Q&A on our YouTube channel for the end of the Psychic Kids campaign. $400 until our next Stretch Goal! Can we get there? Come see!